
Co-Wrapping Gifts or... When you have a Huge Family

Fun Gift Wrapping

I have three sisters and one brother. Christmas is the only time every year we get to see each other. In fact, just this morning our brother flew in from Washington DC -- and shortly after he woke me up, I asked him to pose with our Christmas gifts. 

Why? Because this year we came up with a great idea: co-wrapping. This is how it works: each of our family members picked a wrapping paper. Then, we wrapped each of our gifts for our siblings in that paper. BUT, as a truly millennial clan, we've been emailing and online shopping for weeks, and many of our gifts were joint purchases. For example:

  • Jack, Colleen and I bought a gift together for our sisters Katie and Claire.
  • Claire and Katie bought a gift for me.
  • Jack, Claire and I bought a gift for our mom.
  • And we all went in on a gift for our dad. 

So for those purchases: we co-wrapped. The epic wrapping job below is our masterpiece. It's like our dad is receiving two gifts.... because the wrapped package is a gift in itself, don't you think? ;D

Fun gift wrapping for big families
Co-wrapping Christmas Gifts

Anyway, I'm signing off to pop open a bottle of wine with my sisters and sit by the fireplace. I wish you all the most wonderful, warm and lovely Christmas and I hope you are spending it with the ones you love most. xox

Photography: Annie Butler / Model: Jack Butler / Creative Director: Claire Butler
^^^ It's a family affair 😂


Blooms & Berries Farm Market
Sept 20-Oct31 / 10a-7p Mon-Sat / 10a-6p Sun

My sister Claire has been living in San Francisco for the past six years. Lucky for me, she's still a Midwesterner at heart. Which is why when she was in town this past weekend, we wanted to do something especially Ohio-an. Welcome to Blooms & Berries(!) a farm market in our hometown [map]. I'm so happy Claire chose to came home when she did because the "farm" part of Blooms & Berries is only open for a short six weeks of amazing fall activities.

Blooms & Berries is the perfect place to bring your family. Yes, even your grown children (like me & Claire). During the fall they open their farm for a fall festival. Think: corn maze, hay rides, pumpkin picking, apple cider tasting, petting zoos, & (my personal favorite) a SUNFLOWER FIELD

Seriously. I'm not joking. There is a sunflower field. Can you think of anything more magical or dreamy in the entire world? I dare you! 

I had a fabulous afternoon reminding Claire why Ohio is so great. We didn't really have the time for the hay ride or fall activities, but we did love  touring the farm. I even stopped by the market, which is open year round, for a half gallon of delectable apple cider & fresh cuts to take home. 

P.S. I'm using that cider for a delicious fall drink later this week!! Check back!

P.P.S... I didn't tell you all, but I got bangs! Xoxo & thanks for reading, Annie


Note: Many thanks to my little sister, Colleen, who came up with the title for this post.

For 24 years of my life I was blessed with a great light. Philip Anthony Pfeifer: a German man, an accountant, a devoted husband, a loving father, the world's best grandfather. Philip Anthony Pfeifer, my Papa.

My Papa was a storyteller, a poet, an artist. He was a treasure map maker, a sea captain (or rather, a Lake Keowee captain), a spoon-nose-hanger. My Papa was an emailer. He was a trickster. He was so very, very wise. He could have excelled at anything he chose to do - & he chose that to be us.

Today, my Papa was aptly described to me as the Center of our Familial Universe -- & all we, his beloved ones, gravitated to him & rotated around him like the Sun. My Papa held each of his (nineteen!) grandchildren in his heart in a special way. & we felt it. Through the many years on his lap, in his arms, listening to his stories.

My Papa was always happiest when we were all together. & though many of his (seven!) children were with him at his passing - in the coming days, the rest of us will be flying, driving & running from every corner of the country to South Carolina. There, we will gather to celebrate together, one truly remarkable man.

My Papa told the best stories. But I think he would agree: the greatest one he ever told lives on. It's alive in those he left. We're here to continue the script.

Raise a glass, to a man who is bigger than words, my Papa. We are forever yours.


I don't have a lot of words to describe the relationship between father&daughter. Don't get me wrong, a few specific scenarios definitely come to mind (cheetos!) (wild dancing!) (& these other similarities I brought you last year...). But when it comes down to the essence of father&daughter, well, I don't believe our human language has the capacity to say all that it is. What I can say is this: at the end of the day, when even words fail me, your arms remain strong. Happy Father's Day, every day.

Photog by: Jackie Butler


I've seen a lot of posts today about very powerful women. Stories of endurance & reserve, teeming with gratitude & a lot of love. In them you tell me, "I have the best mother in the world."  & you know what? I believe you. That makes a lot of sense to me.

Mothers create us. Literally. But I'm thinking more about "us." The tiny details that make me who I am. & make you who you are. & make us different from each other. The tiny details that make a person.

For example: Sometimes in the middle of a normal, perfect, hectic moment, I find myself humming. Not to anyone, not to anything. Just humming. 

Sometimes I answer, "Yes, I'll be just another second!" .... as I'm only just starting my makeup. 

I've operated for nearly 24 years under the belief that it's the size of a container that determines the calories. So, then, a normal-sized dessert in a very-small container has very-small calories. 

I have my own language. It features terms like, "You know, the thing in the thing," & "Yes, underneath." 

& I know that, "Could you please put on the hot water?" means that I'm about to have a warm conversation over a hot cup of tea. At any moment of the day. & often at many of them. 

These things I learned from my mother.

You see, moms have this opportunity to teach a tiny human what should be important. They teach us how to survive. They show us how to live. They build us up. Then they let us go. 

It makes sense that you have the best mother in the world. I do too. She made me. She is perfect for me. She is my most important role model. Happy Mother's Day, to every perfect mom. 

But especially to mine.