Contact Paper & Temporary Fixes for Apartment Cupboards

Rental Cupboard Makeover

In an apartment, there's only so much you can do to change a space. You can drill into the wall -- as long as you're familiar with a can of spackle. You can add furniture, with pads on the legs. You can remove doors, if you add them back on before you leave. You can also add temporary wall paper. 

Remember this? A few weeks ago I added shelves under my cupboard. Almost as soon as I posted that first post, I realized I wanted to add contact paper to this space. The semi-painted, semi-stained wall had so much more potential than I was utilizing.

So right away, I bought 9 feet of this contact paper on Amazon for $3. I will say, that, while I love the contact paper, I probably should have cleaned the wall beforehand.  My paper seems to be separating, and I think its from all the dust :/. At Target this weekend I DID see lots of contact paper and temporary wall paper in the clearance section and they all seemed like great options for a 10 minute project like this.

But, the moral of the story is, nowadays, I find myself opening this cupboard even when I don't have. So, no matter the manner, I think temporary contact paper is a GREAT way to make apartment life work for you.