Frozen Chocolate Banana Bites

How many of you freeze your bananas? Throw your hands in the air, if you'se a true playa. (That song has been stuck in my head all week & I really wanted to work it into this blog post for you -- playa banana freezin fools.) Seriously though, when you notice your bananas are near the end of their life, I seriously suggest you peel, cut & freeze them. It comes in really handy. 

Banana bread.
Banana "ice cream".

Dark chocolate frozen banana bites. I know.

It's easy. You will need:

  • Bananas
  • Candy making/dipping chocolate wafers (in the baking section)

So, melt your chocolate according to the directions on the back of the bag. I did it in the microwave, stirring at every 15 second interval. Then take out your frozen banana pieces. & dip! Return to freezer until you are ready to eat.

So mine didn't turn out so pretty, but they did taste good! Stored properly (in an air tight container), I think your banana bites could last in the freezer several months. If you don't eat them by then. 

How else do you guys use your frozen bananas? Now I'm curious.

Photos: Taken with Nikon D3200/ Edited with VSCO filters for Lightroom