A Clickable Gift Guide: For the Commuter

Commuter Gift Guide penfield rain jacket chelsea hunter rain boot everlane modern commuter backpack jockery power pack wireless earbuds hyfroflask waterbottle

Guess what you guys! I co-host a podcast! Seriously! It's all about the weird sh*t that happens on my commute.. and that's a lot of stuff. I mean there are men that cut their toenails on the train, bag ladies that push my co-host into oncoming traffic, and so. many. uber. drivers.

It's called Scenic Route, and there are seven episodes already waiting for you in iTunes. Plus, one more on the way!  It goes live Wednesday, just in time for holiday travel. That's where this gift guide comes in. This week we're doling out last minute gift ideas for the commuting friends in your life. 

We're pretty much experts in this department, so click on the images and choose something, quick! Only have a week left til Christmas! 
